Folsom Street Fair 2008

The year is coming to an end and there are plenty more holiday events I’m going to have to take a bunch of pictures at, so I am clearing out my camera and I realized that I never posted anything about Folsom.  It was a usual Folsom for me.  I got there. I drank too much.  I passed out early.

But this year I really did try to hang in there, ya know?  I went to brunch with friends and we took our time getting to the fair.  I was like, ‘Great, its 2pm and I”m not wasted yet.’  But as I was waiting for my friends to get there, I went and got a drink.  This time i did not drink Steel Reserve but i went to one of the bars.  I was pondering on what I should drink and I looked over to a very lovely ghetto straight couple and I asked what they were drinking and decided to follow their lead.

Um, that was a mistake, because they were taking shots of patron with a long island ice tea chaser.  I downed the first round of that.  Then I met this guy giving out shots of tequila on the sidewalk and I  hit his pipe.  After that i was feeling good.  Finally Serena and Julie got there and we walked around, saw friends, took pictures and had fun.  So I went back for another round of my fabulous drinks.  Midway through that long island, I started feeling too drunk. I don’t even remember taking half the pictures below.

I was passed out in bed my 8 pm.  I woke up at one in the morning feeling pretty ill and not really know where or when I was.  

Anyway, check out the pics and enjoy.




November 23, 2008. Entertainment, Gay Gay Gay, Life. Leave a comment.

Palm Springs No on Prop 8 Protest turns UGLY

Ok, for everyone that is going to go out and protest tomorrow, lets not fight hate with hate. Below is a video of the protest in Palm Springs earlier this week where things got a bit ugly.  I can’t stand that Proposition 8 passes, but I’m sorry, these guys need to hold back a little.  The footage in this newscast  doesn’t make us look too good an will probably give the opposition some ammunition to use against us.

November 14, 2008. Gay Gay Gay, Life, Politics. 2 comments.

Freaking out

My procrastination is getting the best of me.

I’ve out off too much for my two stories for the paper this week and now its all coming down on me. I can’t get the people I need to call me back. I have no real direction for my story. My questions in interviews are a little weak. I’m anxious and nervous. Am I representing the topic well, what do my interviewees think when we’re talking, am I representing the paper well, am I getting everything right? In addition to this I am trying to sell advertising. And I have an entire other story to do as well. I think it will all be ok. I hope.

And now, on top of all this I have to get ready to hob nob and network with professional gays and lesbians, A-Gays or Power-Gays as Eman and I like to say, and put forth an image of sanity.

I’m gonna vomit.

October 21, 2008. Life, Me Me Me!, Thoughts. Leave a comment.

Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live

Holy shit.

Did you see SNL the other night with Sarah Palin on it? So funny…

Palin was a bit awkward and stiff doing the opening scene when she was with Lorne Michaels watching Tina Fey imitate her. But the real highlight was when Palin was guest on SNL Weekend Update with Amy Poehler and Seth Myers.

Palin was “supposed” to rap, but pulled out so Amy took it on. The rap was absolutely pure comedic genius. I’ve seen it like ten times.

Click here to watch Amy rap Palin style.

“Now ya dead, now ya dead. Cuz I’m an animal and I”m bigger than you!”

October 21, 2008. Entertainment, fun, Life. Leave a comment.

Hey Sarah Palin!

Watch this. If only this girl could talk to Palin face to face, I wonder how the pit bull would talk her way out of this one.

And here is a video first posted on PerezHilton that needs to be seen by everyone. This is a video of McCain supporters at a Palin rally. Listening to these ignorant people its hard to believe this is not the 1950’s. One guys uses the “N-word” and the others are just stupid, calling Obama a terrorist and racist. These are the people McCain said he was very proud of last night at the debate. Enjoy.

October 16, 2008. Life, Politics, scariness. 1 comment.

The Vipassana Meditation Retreat (finally)

I have been back for a while from my Vipassana Meditation retreat and I still have not blogged about my experience. I have written extensively about in my journal, but haven’t taken the time, until today to translate at least a little bit of the experience to this blog. It was a very intimate and personal experience, and I have been home for a while and have told the story, like, 100 times, so I won’t go into every detail, but….

The Vipassana meditation retreat was amazing. I definitely feel the experience changed
me. The no talking for nine days was the biggest challenge and
biggest pleasure of the experience. It was just so
great to be there, silent and cut off from the world.
I did not care what was going on. No friends no
family, no cell phone or email. I loved it. We
were in the woods, and I love nature to no end, so it
was just delicious to be secluded and to work on my

The no talking: I am a person who talks a lot and my sense of humor
is not dark, but sarcastic and witty and at times it
can be mean and a little vicious…..a lot of which
came from not my desire to be funny, but my own
unhappiness seeping into my words on to others. So
not talking for nine days really made me analyze what
i was saying and the way i talked to others and the
affect that my words have on other people. Since i
have been back i definitely think before i speak. I think the experience has just made me a little more aware of myself and how I treat others. I don’t want be mean or hurt anyone’s feelings. I can honestly say that I am a little nicer than I was before I left. I
am a lot more at peace with my self and that shows in
my interactions with others. I am not so quick to say
a snarky, bitchy comment under the guise of humor.

This has taken me a long time to work on, but it took the retreat to really take affect.

There were about 130 meditators in my retreat and the men and woman were separated. So I spent the 10 days with about 30-45 men. There were way more women than men. It was so surreal to spend so much time with these guys without ever speaking with them. We ate together, meditated right next to each other, walk the paths, shared the bathrooms and past each other in the halls with no words or or gestures or even much eye contact. And although there was such limited contact, I felt so connected with the men. It was a very intimate experience to through with these guys and at the end of it I felt like I know all of them.

In fact, I made up personas/characters for about 20 of them. At meal times we would all sit together and I would think about my life and my path and spirituality and all that, but that would get old and when it did I would just observe. I would watch these men eat and I would watch them thinking about their own life and path. So watching them, i had to wonder, why are they here? They each have a story and their own reasons for wanting to take part in this retreat. I’m pretty intuitive and so I felt I just knew who they were in some way.

Some of the names I came up with were The Average Joe, he was just an average, slightly overweight dad who thought this would be a good experience, but quickly learned that it was not for him and he couldn’t bring himself to leave early. The New York Transplant was short man in his 40’s with tufts of hair coming out of his t-shirt, he had a deep laugh and looked like a no bullshit kind of guys. I had the Chosen One, who’s hair and skin were both golden brown, his back was always perfect straight and he was there for every second of every meditation. There was The Bachelor who I swore had to either be an ex-frat boy, a law student or from Boston. My second favorite was The Sensitive Cowboy, this man had a beautiful body, with the biggest strongest quads I’ve ever seen, strong masculine hands and he looked so manly, but his demeanor was so gentle and caring and he took every step slowly and with grace and precision.

My favorite of them all was The Grizzly Teddy Bear. Grizzly is a man with matted out of control hair with a bushy, sometimes dirty, untamed beard. He looks….grizzly. But his eyes tell a different story. Look into his eyes and you are lost. They look at you with such an overwhelming amount of compassion and kindness and love. We had a couple of strange, but wonderfully intimate moments. Just those moments when you get stuck in front of someone on a path and you look them straight in the eye and Grizzly would look right through me into my soul. He took the meditation very seriously and he just seemed like the most calm man I’ve ever met.

On the tenth day we could finally talk to each other and I didn’t want to! I was so content in my silence that i became so nervous to talk to these men that i’ve been spending so much time with. Not talking took away the pressure to make conversation or to be smart or funny, so to finally had to talk was daunting. But i did talk to them and i found out if i was right about who i thought these men were. My New York transplant was from the East Coast. The Bachelor hates frat boys and is not from Boston but he is a former law student. I never talked to Grizzly. I don’t know why…I guess i didn’t want to ruin my experience with him.

So its been a month. Slowly i feel like i am getting
back more and more to myself, which i don’t like. I
loved that first week back when i felt so zen and
peaceful, but that fades. But i always have
that experience with me and all that i learned while i
was there. And i can always go back and do another
retreat and i can always do the meditation at home.

I feel great about my experience and I am definitely well on my path in life and with my spirituality.

I think every single person i know could benefit from this experience. Its free and only 10 days…its change your life. Check out

October 15, 2008. Life, Me Me Me!, Spirituality/Meditation, Thoughts. Leave a comment.


Here is the long awaited trailer for the Gus Van Sant movie in which Sean Penn plays San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk, the first openly gay elected official in the US who was gunned down by fellow supervisor Dan White.

By the looks of this trailer, this film is going to be a amazing. I can’t wait to see it.

Check it out:

September 27, 2008. Entertainment, Gay Gay Gay, Life, Politics. Leave a comment.

Sarah and Katie

This is Katie Couric interviewing Sarah Palin. Notice that she does not really answer any questions. She just has phrases that she repeats and she refers to what McCain says, but she has not opinion or stance on issues of her own. She’s just blowing hot air up McCain’s ass.

September 25, 2008. Life, News, Politics. Leave a comment.

McCain is a Liar… Surprise!

And this is HILARIOUS! Tina Fey and Amy Poehler doing Palin and Hillary.

September 15, 2008. Entertainment, Life, Politics. Leave a comment.

Off to Meditate….

Ok, so in my quest for enlightenment, peace and a happier existence, I have decided to do something extreme. Well, its not so extreme, but for me this will be a doozy. I have decided to learn Vipassana Meditation. This is not the extreme part, the extreme part is that I am going to a ten day retreat to do so.

This morning I will be traveling with a bus load of Burmese meditators to North Fork, CA, near Fresno, to a retreat in the foothills of the Sierras. Here I will learn, along with about 60-100 other students the ways of Vipassana. Each day we will meditate for ten hours, not consecutively, and each day we will be given the next step in the meditation.

They say 10 days is the minimum to learn the meditation and reap some benefits.

This is not without sacrifice. For these ten days, I am required to observe Noble Silence. Yes, no talking for ten full days.

This scares the shit out of me.

I also can not write, read, distract others, touch others, touch myself, lie or kill anything. We will be eating only vegetarian meals and wake at 4 am.

I am excited and anxious about this. While I think I will gain a lot out of this, I think i have bitten off a little more than I can chew, as I don’t meditate at all on a regular basis, so I am going to try desperately not to freak the fuck out.

I could easily cheat and bring my ipod to listen to music and watch video, but I am not going to do that. The only cheating I am going to do is bring a journal. It is my nature to write and although the schedule is rigid and I probably won’t have time to do it, I am going to try to write a day by day account of my experience there.

I am nervous. I am thrilled. I am hoping to find some more peace and happiness.

I think this is the perfect time for me to do this. So I will be away until September 14. When I return I will share my experience with you all….

Pray for me and talk a lot for me….

…oh geez, I might implode.

To learn more about what I am doing go to Vipassana Meditation.

September 3, 2008. Life, Me Me Me!, Spirituality/Meditation. Leave a comment.

And the tears keep rolling….

I am such a vagina.

I watch all of these speeches of change and opportunity and it makes me so happy to see so many people impassioned.

I get chill after chill.

So here are more inspiring speeches.

Barack’s acceptance speech, truly moving.

Joe Biden

Al Gore

Bill Clinton

August 30, 2008. Life, News, Politics. Leave a comment.

Hillary Clinton…

….Fighting for an America that is defined by a deep and meaningful equality. From civil rights to labor rights, from women’s rights to gay rights.

August 27, 2008. Life, News, Politics. Leave a comment.

Michelle Obama for President!

Barack Obama needs to be our next president if only because Michell Obama would be the first lady, the first first lady, besides Hilary, that is as impassioned as her husband and that is an example of what an American woman should be.

Can you imagine either Laura Bush or Cindy McCain making this speech? Me neither.

August 26, 2008. Life, News, Politics, Thoughts. Leave a comment.

Opening night of Madonna’s Sticky & Sweet Tour!

Madonna finally played her first gig of the Sticky & Sweet Tour in Cardiff, Wales. I was very skeptical of the setlist and if this was going to be a good show. All my doubts have been shot down, killed and buried as I am checking out all of the pictures and videos for the show. It looks fun, COLORFUL, energetic and fabulous! There have been a few reports about somethings people didn’t like. Like the video backdrops were a little confusing and not of the highest production value. Also, one report said that Madonna was a bit impersonal. The report says that the last time she was in Cardiff for the Confessions Tour, she was talking to the crowd non’stop. But last time she was there on that tour, it was at the end of the tour. She is always more relaxed as the tour goes on. This was opening night and she had to be nervous.

I am so glad that I am seeing her towards the end of the tour, two nights in a row, no less!

So here ya go, the best of the best video clips and pictures I could find….

Into the Groove

She’s Not Me!




These two pictures are from her TourBook:

Madonna taking requests…

And the hottest dancer so far that we have seen in the best position we could have seen him in:

This is exactly what I thought the Confessions Tour was going to be like, FUN! But that one was all kinds of serious more oft than not. I can’t wait to get Sticky & Sweet!

All pictures and videos were collected from HomoFactual, MadonnaTribe, DrownedMadonna and PerezHilton.

August 24, 2008. Entertainment, Gay Gay Gay, Life, Madonna, Music. 1 comment.

Goodbye Richmond, Hello Marina

As of 4 pm on Wednesday, July 30, I am now a resident of the Marina District in San Francisco…keep all comments to yourself!

I lived in the Richmond District on Balboa and 42nd Ave for five years. I had around 15 different roommates over those five years and had lots of fun times and a few bad in that small, old apartment. I loved that place and spent a big chunk of time there but I was so happy to drive away from it for the last time.

Now the Marina is my home, and let me tell you: It is a whole different world out here. I think all the sun and botox these people get out here has warped their sense of self and reality. But thats OK, I moved to the neighborhood, not the people. The shops are crazy out here, Apple, MAC, very high end clothing, etc.

The only thing missing is a funky, cool coffee shop. That is what I will miss from the Richmond!

August 1, 2008. Life, Me Me Me!. Leave a comment.

This is beautiful!

These videos made me cry. Its great.

August 1, 2008. fun, Life. Leave a comment.

Randy Pausch has passed away.

The former professor at Carnegie Mellon was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and became an Internet sensation after his inspirational Last Lecture became viral on YouTube.

Pausch subsequently appeared on Oprah and his Last Lecture was recently turned into a book.

His ‘Last Lecture’ was about remembering your childhood dreams and realizing them. I don’t know about you but I still have no idea what I want to do when I grow up so I”m going to watch the lecture right now.

Here it is if you need some inspiration as well:

July 26, 2008. Life, Thoughts. Leave a comment.

Six days: Wish me luck

I am moving in six days and here is my mess. Take a look and wish me luck.

And here some bonus footage of my trip home… This is Benitta, my Mom’s partner. Enjoy.

July 24, 2008. Life, Me Me Me!. Leave a comment.

Please God….

Please God, please don’t let these two be the leaders of the free world come November.

Thats it.

Thank you,


July 18, 2008. Life, Politics, scariness. 1 comment.

4th of July, Olive the Puppy, Wigs, Drinks, One Dildo and More

Earlier this month I went on my annual pilgrimage to my Mom’s house in the mountains to soak up a week of sun, pool and relaxation with my family for the week of 4th of July. I love these trips because it affords me an escape from San Francisco, a city I love, but a place I need to get away from and forget from time to time. After each trip I feel rejuvenated about life and all the possibilities waiting for me back in the city and beyond.

As always I take some pretty funny pictures and videos and love to share them here.

First of all, I have to get it out of the way. Mom and her partner, Benitta, got a new puppy named Olive. She’s cute and adorable and all that. So for all you dog freaks out there here is the obligatory gratuitous puppy video.

My sister, Carla, brought along her roommate and good friend, Amy. Amy looks like a Kim so thats what I call her. She also has a fierce crush on me and has even tried gluing hair to her chest and brandishing a dildo to win my affection. She has yet to be successful, though I do give her a little ray of hope here and there. What? Its always nice to be wanted.

Kim is a big fan of wigs, so she brought a few for us to play with. I think i had a little too much fun with them, especially the pink and black one!

The more we drink the funnier we get and the more attention we need, hence all the pictures and videos. Carla actually smoked pot and was a funny ass bitch. Of course we held our annual hand standing competition and I kicked Kim’s ass and reinforced what a big queen I am.

This is me in the green wig and Kim in the “Cougar.”

Benitta shows off her boobs.

My Mom. We love her.

Kim starring as “The Cougar.”

Each year we have an actual 4th of July Party. Carla and I don’t particularly like these because Mom and Benitta always invite over a bunch of people we don’t want to talk to, so we always just super drunk and separate from the crowd.

Carla had to pull Kim and to the side of the house to tell us that we were too drunk and to calm it down a bit. I didn’t what she was talking about, but I am later destined to pass out and someone took my favorite pair of RayBan sunglasses. Damn it.

Here are some excerpts…..Truth or Dare style.

We always have fun. Carla gets abusive, Mom get sentimental, Kim fingers the dildo and my voice gets gayer and gayer.

July 18, 2008. Entertainment, family, fun, Life, Me Me Me!. Leave a comment.

Summer Reading List!

One of my favorite things to do in life is READ! I love how books can just transport you away into another world. That is what I attempt to do when I write, give an experience worthy of forgetting your own life for an hour or two.

For me, summer doesn’t really change anything, as I am not in school anymore. But I still read a lot more in the summer months than any part of the year….Well I get a lot of reading time in in winter as well, I love reading next to the window when its pouring out.

So here is a list of some of my favorite books that I would recommend to anyone and everyone who loves to read. If it has an * next to it, that means I especially love it. The more *** the book has, the more amazing and transportive it is. I especially love book that have to do with time: series of books, time travel book, period pieces, etc.

Jaime’s Summer Reading List:

All Harry Potter books by JK Rowling***
The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger*********************
The Golden Compass***, The Subtle Knife and the Amber Spyglass by Phillip Pullman
The Spell** and the Swimming Pool Diaries by Alan Hollinghurst
The Color Purple by Alice Walker******
All Tales of the City books by Armistead Maupin*************
Go Ask Alice by Anonymous
Siddhartha By Hermanne Hesse**
Dry** and Running with Scissors* and Magical Thinking**** and Possible Side Effects and Wolf at the Table** by Augusten Burrows! (this guys is amazing!)
Dressing Your Family in Corduroy and Denim** and Naked and Me Speak Pretty One Day* by David Sedaris
A Density of Souls*** and Light Before Day by Christopher Rice
State of Fear and Prey** by Michael Crichton
Spirit Song and Rise of the Pheonix by Mary Summer Rain
Rule of the Bone by Russel Banks
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
A Home at the End of the World******* and Flesh and Bone by Michael Cunningham
The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield***
Wicked by Gregory Maguire***
She’s Come Undone by Wally Lamb***

Ok, I think that is enough for now. All of these books are just completely fantastic. Some have or are going to have movies real soon, and while some of them are OK, the book is always the more superior piece of work. This is the case especially with The Golden Compass. If you have seen the movie, forget everything you saw and read the book: AMAZING! And I think all of the Harry Potter movies are OK but just skeletons of the book.

My hope is that you’ll find at least one or two books on this list appealing and you will read them and be taken away by its beauty and resonance.


July 9, 2008. Entertainment, fun, Life, Thoughts. Leave a comment.

Fox News Attacks Michelle Obama

You’re not going to believe what FOX is up to now—we could hardly believe it ourselves. Not only are they smearing Michelle Obama with racist stereotypes, but then they offer a feeble apology that they believe gives them the right to slander her again. That’s what happened when FOX called Michelle and Barack Obama’s fist bump a “terrorist fist jab,” apologized, and then less than a week later referred to Michelle Obama as Barack’s “Baby Mama.”

FOX’s long history of racism is nothing new, but it has been particularly egregious when it comes to their coverage of the Obamas. Racism and fearmongering have no place in our country or its politics, despite what FOX would have you believe. That’s why we put together this video, FOX Attacks Michelle Obama.

We cannot allow FOX’s heinous smears and scare tactics to continue. Sign our petition and stop FOX from injecting racism, prejudice, and fear into our political dialogue. Then, send it to all your friends and family members for them to sign as well. And spread it on sites like Digg to create an uproar.

We cannot allow FOX to make politics about stereotypes, misinformation, and flat-out dishonesty. Not now. Not ever.

July 9, 2008. Life, News, Politics, scariness. 1 comment.

Genre Magazine: Hot

July 7, 2008. Gay Gay Gay, Life. Leave a comment.

SF Gay Pride Parade 2008

No matter how drunk or hung over I am from the Pink Party the night before, I always seem to manage to get my ass up out of bed to get to the Parade. I love it. It makes me cry every year, though no one would ever know that because none of my friends ever make it and I haven’t had a boyfriend to go with me for what seems like forever.

This year, of course, was all about gay marriage. Thats kinda where I lost it. There was Gavin Newsom driving by in a nice old car, then behind him were hundreds of couples who have already or plan to get married.

It must feel so beautiful and wonderful to walk in this huge parade, proud of who you are and with the man you love so much. I want to do that. Profess my love for myself, for my partner and for my community for everyone to see and hear. While I was watching this year, all I could think is how good that must feel and I replaced myself with certain people in the parade and I got a glimpse of how amazing it must be.

I wish I felt that love. To be on a float dancing with freedom or embracing a lover and waving to the crowd. Thats better than partying in a crowd or drinking to oblivion…

The parade is not like three hours long, I didn’t stay for the entire thing. But here are some great pictures and videos I took while I was there.

June 30, 2008. Entertainment, fun, Gay Gay Gay, Life. Leave a comment.

SF Gay Pride Pink Party 2008 Glory

Well, today was Pink Saturday, traditionally my favorite day of the year. It was a good day, but I’m home now at the horribly early blogging hour of 11.50 pm and i’m left wondering Have I out grown the pink party or has the pink party out grown me? Or… do I just start drinking too early and i just get over it too quick.

Every year I have the same fantasy that I’ll meet some dark hot man in the midst of the party that will whisk my off to some hot after parties and I’ll meet wonderful hella new men and i’ll have lots of dirty stories to tell. This never happens, of course. I usually start early and by, like, 10 I’m sobering and getting bored and I walk out of the party, always with the same empty feeling…

But I had fun while i was there!

The park was soo crowded!


June 29, 2008. Entertainment, fun, Gay Gay Gay, Life, Me Me Me!. Leave a comment.

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